


苹果高调官宣WWDC 2024,手里的AI大招终于藏不住了?2022年是Swiftly approaching(码上就位)、2023年是Code new worlds(码出新宇宙)。可以看到,最近两年WWDC的主题都将重点放回到开发者的等会说。 让开发者了解如何提高自己的APP体验和提升开发效率。当然,该环节和后面的Apple Design Awards表彰、讲座视频、一对一实验室资讯等项等会说。



友人说丨这群包水饺的外国友人开启了“过年”模式来看外国友人们如何通过包饺子开启“过年”模式!From this year, The Spring Festival has been officially listed as a UN Floating Holiday in the UN Calendar of Conferences and Meetings. So, it has become a festival celebrated all over the world. As the Spring Festival approaching, let’s 说完了。


世界看亚运 | 举办城市亚运氛围感拉满 “硕果累累”等亚运健儿采摘The 19th Asian Games is approaching, and its host city Hangzhou and 5 co-host cities are now getting ready to welcome athletes and visitors from all corners of the world. The efforts being made include city images enhancement and upgrades.Please join us now to soak in the increasingly v还有呢?


