

Hayley教口语,“背黑锅”用英语怎么说?"take a/the fall for someone" to accept the blame for something another person did 替…承担责任take the fall这个习语被认为起源于20世纪初,主要应用在美式英语中。这个短语刚开始出现在刑事或法律环境中,指的就是,某人对他人犯下的罪行承担责任或接受指责。I wasn't going to take 是什么。


...星河下的浪漫习俗/Jiangxi: Romantic Customs under the Qixi Star RiverOn the night of the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Milky Way stretches across the sky like a silk, and the legend of the meeting between the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on the Magpie Bridge, a feast of folk customs and cultural heritage, adds a romantic touch to Jiangxi. 策划:周等我继续说。


欧美圈流行“鼠系帅哥”,除了甜茶,这些男明星也上榜了,“老鼠相”...不知道从什么时候开始,内娱追星女孩们流行玩一个梗,就是用动物为男明星的颜值分类,比如猴系、犬系、鼠系,狐狸系,马系. 最近这股风也刮到等我继续说。 In the Chinese zodiac, 2024 is the year of the dragon. To the internet, it is the year of the rat. 在中国生肖中,2024 年是龙年。对于互联网来说,这一等我继续说。


