什么时候用have什么时候用to have

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What’s On丨探访孔子研究院:儒家思想何以影响世界千年?儒学对西方社会有过什么影响?让我们走进孔子研究院开启探索之旅!People have different impressions of Confucius: a wise elder who loves to preach wisdom, a patient teacher, a gentleman cultivating hismoral characters, and so on. This venerable sage, who has been renowned for over 好了吧!


中英双语 | 秋平:把握高水平对外开放的体制机制改革 激发高质量发展的...we have made new achievements through opening up to propel reform and development. High-quality development requires commensurate and coordinated high-standard opening up. 高水平对外开放的最核心特征之一就是制度型开放。当前,中国发展面临的一个紧迫任务就是建设与高质等我继续说。

2024,以韧性抵御风险in the fight against inflation seems to have become the longest distance in the world——this is not just an economic battle, but also a psychologi说完了。 其任务范围也随着时间的推移而发生变化,特别是上世纪70年代浮动汇率的发展,导致IMF开始提供对世界和各国经济的监测,评估各国的经济政说完了。


