什么时候用have been in_什么时候用have been done

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中英双语 | 秋平:践行全球文明倡议需发挥最大合力there have been ups and downs in inter-civilization communication. Periods of vibrant exchanges between civilizations generally witnessed comm说完了。 and values have influenced conflicts between countries and groups, and encourage inter-civilization dialogue to strike a common chord among p说完了。



中英双语 | 秋平:不断拓宽农民增收致富渠道Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, rural incomes have been growing at a rapid pace, resulting in a drop in the urban-rural income r还有呢? momentum for rural income growth has slowed, and the outlook for future growth has become less optimistic.必须广辟农民增收门路,着力健全促还有呢?

CBN丨20 years on, China-ASEAN Expo takes cooperation to a new levelsaying the two parties have been adhering to unity and self-reliance, shoring up peace and tranquility in the region despite global volatility, and they have created together miracles of economic development.Li made the remarks on Sunday during the opening ceremony of the 20th China-ASE还有呢?

友人说 | 相见恨晚!外国留学生穿汉服感受中国式浪漫s ancient dress culture. In recent years, Hanfu is becoming popular, and I have been longing for it. Because Hanfu looks very beautiful, very elegant, and different dynasties of Hanfu show different charms, so join me now, let’s have a look!“这位小姐姐选了一套非常华丽的宋制汉服,还有一些后面会介绍。



